Monday, January 9, 2012

Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips

I had a sudden craving for Salt & Vinegar chips the other day. I can't find them ANYWHERE in my city and it's a bit frustrating. I've looked at the gas station, Walmart, Walgreens, HEB (grocery), and wherever else I can think of that sells snack foods.

My dear friend & fellow blogger, Mom-Pinion, was so thoughtful! In order to assist me on this quest for insomnia-addled snacking, she shipped me 2 bags of Lay's Salt & Vinegar potato chips! *swoon* (Much thanks to her awesome hubby who went to the post office!)

You guys will die when you see how much she spent... The chips themselves were $5, total. Shipping brought it to $14. My eyes about fell out of my head. HAHAHHAHA!!!! And the US Postal Service wonders why it's not making money....

I once priced shipping on a small pizza from CT to TX. Over $50. That was 13 years ago. Needless to say, I did not get that pizza. :p

I am, however, getting those chips. And you know what? They better be the BEST fucking chips EVER!!!!! I'll be blogging in the wee, small hours of the night, munching away, and thinking of my girl! I know she's got my back!


  1. Welcome.. 11.00 for priority. Here I was thinking I was saving money by shoving them in a little box. Hope they are worth it ;) That's if they make it by the expiration

  2. I know how you feel. My very favorite chips, EVER, are UTZ Carolina BBQ flavor. Now that I live in North CAROLINA I can't find them anywhere! My mom always brings them for me when she comes to visit. I love my mom :)
